Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

Today we are taking a brief moment while watching the parade (the girls are anxiously awaiting the dog show) to give thanks.

We are thankful for our families, who have loved and supported us so much during the past year, as well as for caring friends. We are thankful for these two crazy and forever-loyal dogs who are always excited to see us and can always cheer us up.

Scooby & Zelda would also like to say what they are thankful for:
A warm & loving home- we know so many animals don't have this, we are very lucky.
All our food and treats- mom & dad always make sure we are well taken care of.
Each other- we may get on each others nerves sometimes, but we are sisters and we wouldn't know what to do without each other.

So Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Eat lots of good food and enjoy your family!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

All About the Bones

If there is something these two love more than anything, it's their rawhide bones that they get from time to time.

Considering it keeps them quiet & busy for a few hours, we enjoy when they have bone-time too. Until Zelda buries half of hers and Scooby finds it and then steals it, causing Zelda to cry until we get it back for her.

Quirky dogs, but we can't help but love them.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane watch

Even as far inland as we are, it is already raining like crazy & incredibly windy here in western PA. So tonight will be spend cuddled up on the couch under a blanket and staying nice and dry.

Hey everyone! We are now on Facebook! Please go like the page and tell everyone else about it! It will be used to update on new posts and to show more pictures of the girls.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Adventure in the Park

Took the girls for a walk around the park the other day. Since they were born last Fall, this is really their first time experiencing leaves on the ground and it is very entertaining to watch them romp through the leaves.

They loved it to say the least. And after about an hour and a half, we finally headed home.

Needless to say, I had very exhausted puppies who slept the rest of the night after that.

Sadly, now that the weather is definitely becoming colder, nice long walks like this may be on hold until Spring when it gets warm again.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Dreaded Bath

Yup. It's that time. What all dogs hate most. Bath time.
These two actually do alright with it. They stand around & just look up at you with their enormous chocolate eyes and give you the pitiful "why are you doing this?" look. Other than that, they really just stand there and occasionally shake.

 It is amusing to watch them be very fluffy and run around the house like crazy after bath time.

 Scooby tried to re-stink herself...too bad I had just washed those blankets.

 Pitiful looks from Scooby

Zelda refused to look at me for most of the time while I was attempting to take pictures. She was too busy taking out her frustration on her unfinished bone from earlier in the day.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Burrowing Habits

It's that time of year where the weather gets very chilly here in western PA. The cold weather has definitely caused a bit of an increase in doxie burrowing/cuddling habits.

It's entertaining to see how different their habits are when it comes to wanting to burrow.
Zelda much prefers a lap to snuggle on, so even when she's under a blanket, she's still on top of you. She also typically hates having her head covered. She wants to be able to keep an eye on what's going on at all times.

Scooby, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. If she's under a blanket, you won't know she's there unless you notice a strange looking lump. For her to have her rear-end hanging out last night was odd. She loves to bury her head. Even when she is snuggling in a lap, she will find a spot to bury her head.

Case in point. In this picture, Zelda is snuggling up to me, while still under the blanket. Scooby is there, but she is the lump at the top left.

As much as I dislike the cold weather, this winter may not be too bad. I have two perfect lap warmers who love to cuddle with me under a blanket. Who would have ever thought I would look forward to cold winter nights?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bye Bye Mr. Sun

Back when Scooby had her emergency vet visit, the girls were given a new squeaky toy. Zelda was by far more interested than Scooby, and has since torn Mr. Sun's face off. But she had fun with him while it lasted.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Puppy Birthday!

So today is the first birthday for our girls. We may have only had them since March, but even since then they have grown so much. It has been a challenge at times, but it has been fun as well. They are both such spunky and sassy little dogs with amazing personalities and have SO much love to give. Love them to death.

As a birthday treat, we scrambled an egg for them and split it, and mixed it in with their food. They were beyond excited to say the least.

So happy birthday girls, here is to many more years of having you two constantly being my little doxie shadows.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Long time, no bark...(& Vet visit)

Yeah, I said I would keep up with this better than previous blogs. I lied. School starting and everything else has just been crazy.

School has been school. I have 12 credits this semester, so not a crazy load, but it's my last semester of classes (internship in the spring) so last chance to make it count. Also have been applying to graduate schools, which has been stressful.

Got a new camera, have been using the puppies as test subjects to figure it out.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Start of something new

So I've decided to try my hand at blogging again...I've done it before but never really stuck with it. This time though I have more to talk about I feel.

First, I am a college student (almost done with undergraduate work) in a tiny college town in Western PA. I live with my fiance and our two mini-dachshunds, Zelda and Scooby. Moving out of home and out onto my own has been quite the experience to say the least but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Onto my girls though.